
Aquarius – Women – Are – You – One – Of – Them

Miss Aquarius is pleasant, polite, honest and sincere , social and friendly.

Miss Aquarius  is smart, independent, somewhat rebellious and a true original.

Part of the reason her man has fallen in love with her is the fact that she’s not a clinging vine.

Quite the contrary, she matches wits with her man, has a wide circle of her own friends, and prefers to stand on her own two feet. Many Aquarius women are leaders in their field. She’s analytical and her ability to communicate is highly developed. If you want to get on her good side, use reason and logic rather than emotion.

Miss Aquarius  seeks always personal and individual freedom and independence.

It would not ever consider the fact. If anyone is interested in a woman Aquarius, must be careful not to put restrictions, because you will only be able to annoy and to expel. Exclusively dedicated to only when she feels free to choose its own. It’s terribly clever and witty, has humor and optimism. But we will not agree to do anything beyond her will. The truth is that it reads very informed of all social and political issues and all have an opinion.

And more often believes that its view is correct! She wants her partner to admire on her mind! It also wants her partner to be admired for his intellectual abilities. Maybe pass some platonic stage in her life, even with her partner.

Her best colors are bright fuchsia, cobalt blue or charcoal gray.Miss Aquarius  tend to wear streamlined, futuristic clothing and some Aquarius  don’t mind if they shock a bit. Her taste in jewelry is unique and individual, even New Age, so you could do well by getting her a special crystal. There is a uniqueness about the Miss Aquarius , from her toes to her hair, she is always a bit different, on the cutting edge of what’s new and hot. Another gift that would be a hit is a phone with voice mail capability, all the better for you to leave her intimate love messages. If you take her out to eat, better ask ahead of she likes a certain kind of food,  many Aquarius are vegetarians. She does not need to be wined and dined in a five-star restaurant–she is just as happy in a noisy, lively bistro that serves good food and is a place where she might bump into friends


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