
Leo – Women – Are – You – One – Of – Them




You can’t mistake a Leo woman. When Miss Leo  enters a room, all eyes turn to her, when she speaks, people lean forward to listen – when she dresses she aims to make an unforgettable impression, and she does, every time.

Miss Leo is all warmth and fire, passion and courage. Miss Leo never does anything by half measures. She knows what suits her, and she will remain loyal to the label that gives her what she wants. She wants the best, and she knows she’s worth it.

Her fashion sense can be timeless, or it can be ephemeral. She will have exquisitely made classics in her wardrobe, but she will have fun fashion as well. On her it will look as if it came off a Paris catwalk. She loves the feel of fabrics, of lush sensuous velvet and leather, fur and silk. She probably works out at home, in private, because she is simply too proud to be seen sweaty and bedraggled with her hair all over the place.
Miss Leo has a deep and abiding need for respect from others and will work hard to being noticed and remembered. She is naturally extravagant–don’t even try to tell her she spends too much on clothes (or on her kids either, who she loves to pamper). Yet she is warm, spontaneous and creative too, and you are sure to have fun with this vivacious lioness.
Pampering is what she really likes – long luxurious milk baths, manicures, pedicures, facials, full body massage and mud treatments. Anything that gets her purring is good. She knows you are as good as you feel, and she likes to feel very good indeed. She won’t let any bargain basement creams or cosmetics touch her face. Being a child of the sun, she loves a tan, but she knows there are safer ways than sun baking. Surprisingly, she may not be very open to cosmetic surgery as she ages. Her pride may balk at that.

Whether a homebody or a career woman, she wants to be the best. She will take pride in her home, or her company, and won’t stick around if there is no reason to be proud. The Leo woman has a strong ethical sense. Much as she loves fur, she will choose good fakes, because she loves animals too – and if her company doesn’t give good value, she will work to change things or move somewhere else. Honor is vital to the Leo woman – without her integrity, she feels soiled.

Her home does not have to be a palace, even though she is born under a royal sign, but it will always have that air of being somewhere special. There will be a few unique and expensive pieces, but more than opulence, there will be a feeling of comfort. The Leo woman, as cat like as her sign, likes to be able to rest in comfort. Her bed is important – she will have the best she can get.
You can usually pick out a Leo woman from a crowd – she’s the one with the loudest laugh, the brightest smile, and the most confident strut of them all. Ruled by the Sun, the center of the universe, this feline sign adores attention and usually gets it. She is passionate, playful, and very lively. Occasionally hot-tempered, a Leo woman can and will get those claws out if you step out of line, so handle Kitty with care! When in a fiery mood, she is best soothed with compliments and spoiled with gifts.

Miss Leo is intelligent, witty, strong and creative, which is why there are so many Leo women in the arts and entertainment industries

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