BeautyFacial, Hair & Body Masks

Beet mask to refresh our skin


One beetroot
One teaspoon olive oil
One teaspoon honey


Grate beetroot on the smooth side then take some of the juice from this grate now mix
with honey and olive oil.Apply it to the face and leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse.

beetroot can help your skin because it is extremely rich in iron which gives a rosy glow to the skin..
.I would suggest you to drink beetroot juice if you can like once a week or twice a week regularly and do not stop..
.It will improve your skin and hair from inside….also you can use beetroot on your skin externally..
..take beetroot juice and apply it as a face mask on your skin…..but taking it internally is the best way for long term and amazing results.
take a slice of beetroot and rub it on your lips…let it dry and wash off…your lips will lose pigmentation and become pinkish…
same with your cheeks….rub a slice on the cheeks and let dry. wash and see your cheeks getting pink color…

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