
Help reduce weight




Help reduce weight

Drinking a glass of warm water with a squirt of lemon juice has now become an unwritten rule for anyone who wishes to reduce weight, with several fad diets being promoted based on the weight reducing properties of lemon. Wondering if it is true? Well, rest assured, for lemons sure help cut fat. Lemon juice is known to reduce absorption of sugar and increase fat mobilization, which in effect helps boost the weight loss plan being follow.
Lemon: Dr F I Mehta, an allergy specialist, says lemon can cause an allergic reaction if your body has a high acid content.“Consuming lemon will increase the acid content, which then flows through the bloodstream, causing rashes,” he says.

Promotes oral health

Tired of endless gargles, fresh mints, and mouth sprays to keep the bad breath (halitosis) at bay? Try lemons instead, the rich acids in this fruit are potent enough to not only neutralize the bad odor for instant relief, but also kill the odor causing bacteria for long term management. Apart from halitosis, the Vitamin C in lemon helps prevent gingivitis, dental decay, and other gum problems.

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