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Tire Pond so nice




  • An old tire
  • Strong, garden foil (easy to buy in garden center)
  • Sand
  • Gravel and pebbles
  • Big stones
  • Plants


Prepare all tools and supplies in the chosen spot in your garden (be sure it is flat and with the smallest amount of sharp stones in the ground)

Use a shovel to dig a hole big enough to place your tire inside with a certain amount of sand underneath, but live a bit above the ground

(that will make folding the foil easier). Put some sand inside and use a level to make the bottom of the hole perfectly flat.

After doing this, place the tire inside.Now be very careful while using scroll saw. Cut the upper part of the tire around as shown on the picture, so that it was wider

I recommend you clean the whole inside from spare stones or any sharp items before laying the tire out with foil.

Here you can see tires wrapped with the foil, and one of them is all wrapped around as it stays on the level of the ground.

The space around the tire is heaped up with the gravel.Place all the big stones around

tightly to prevent the foil from coming away of the tire. Don’t forget to be creative :).

Fill the pond with water, arrange the surrounding the way you like and be happy you have got your own Tire Pond


I’ve had a backyard pond. You can get a pump (solar or electric) that will have a filtration device.

Every so often (depending on temp, etc) you will have to add more water due to evaporation. We only cleaned our pond once a year.

Every now and then it’s good to take the filter off and rinse it out. But it will create it’s own little ecosystem and kinda balance

itself out for the most part. We would help it along by using a pitcher to water the plants around it, helps get some of the gunk out.

Also, adding plants, some fish, and a waterfall can all help filter the water. But too much will make it worse.

We would usually dump ours for the winter, otherwise it would freeze. But no other conditioners were needed.

If you don’t put fish in it you can  use chlorine tablets .

Walmart has them they are about i inch in diameter cost about 12$ for

over 100 tablets apply one or 2 a week








Here are some other ideas from tire decoration…














































One thought on “Tire Pond so nice

  • muito lindo as ideias com peneu, parabens.


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